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Value Proposition

High performing employees are probably the most valuable assets in business. The skills of successful employees are amongst the critical building blocks for success. In most instances, highly talented people display their talents as a skill. All business leaders and entrepreneurs are in agreement about the fact that a general scarcity of skills compromises the success and growth of their businesses. Skillsgrid is an automated system that enables employers to better understand the individual and collective skills of their employees, the skills gaps they face as well as training and development interventions necessary for optimal workforce success. It also informs the recruitment process with a match between the applicant and the skills profile related to each job.

Benefits of using Skillsgrid
  • Skills audits: Do a skills audit in any business in one day with full analysis of skills development needs per employee

  • Identify skills-gap-trends: Identify skills shortage trends in a company or separate divisions in the business

  • Skills based recruitment

  • Identify skills development programmes

  • Support performance management interventions

  • Host an updated skills register of all employees

  • Monitor skills development initiatives

  • Export data necessary for the skills deployment and development intervention reports

  • Search and find people for a job where specific skills are necessary

  • Seamless integration with Shadowmatch

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